Welcome to www.cxdfrance.com, the website of Atlantis- France, specialist in the supply of paper and permanent boards, equipment and furniture for preservation, restoration and bookbinding. Quality products, a dynamic team that understands, anticipates your needs and offer a quality service to meet your requirements .

For over 20 years, CXD France accompanies all those who are concerned with the preservation of their heritage. We selected safe and effective solutions for the preservation, archiving and restoration: boxes, permanent papers and boards, polyester pouches, anodized aluminum plan drawers, lecterns...

Especially vigilant to continue this dynamic, we ensure the renewal of our products based on standards including French Association for Standardization (AFNOR association) on the preservation of cultural heritage. Practitioners are sensitive to the requirements of sustainable development, and we want to adopt a voluntary and ambitious approach to ensure compliance with these new requirements, highlighted by leading professionals.

That’s why we maintain close relationships with leading manufacturers, dedicated and passionate, which includes our British suppliers who have been internationally recognized for their expertise. Thus, the most competent specialists contribute to the preservation of your heritage.

Thanks to our new premises in Lognes, where we were able to design an optimized and rationalized process, we now have an ideal area for storage and for the dispatch of products that, by their nature, require careful and qualified personnel.

You can count on the relevance of our offer. The recent delivery of a multifunctional device Multiresto ® to the French National Archives demonstrates our desire to provide innovative and appropriate tools. Our participation in various fairs and our regular trips to meet clients like you are the guarantee of our proximity and the way to best meet your expectations.

CXD France remains a privileged interlocutor with curators, archivists, scientists, artists , curators, individuals. Every people who are attentive to the transmission of an heritage will find in CXD France a partner concerned with the proper functioning of their mission.

Our address :

CXD France

75 boulevard Courcerin

77185 Lognes