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Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032

Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032

The luxmeters Mavolux 5032B and 5032C are digital precision devices to measure illuminance in lux or footcandle per square meter (cd/ft2). 

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The luxmeters Mavolux 5032B and 5032C are digital precision devices to measure illuminance in lux or footcandle per square meter (cd/ft2). They allow an effective quality control of the sources of light and conditions of exposure of the objects most sensitive to light. These devices will measure very high light intensities without any additional accessories. Mavolux 5032B having an initial sensitivity of 0.01 lx allows measuring extremely low light intensities, such as emergency lighting. Each luxmeter is delivered with its ever-ready case, a CD-ROM with software for processing the values measured and regulating the measuring instrument, a USB cable, a battery and an instruction manual.

Cable between Instrument and Sensor

MAVOLUX 5032 C-USB: coiled cord, permanently attached, length 1.5 m.

MAVOLUX 5032 B-USB: plug-in coiled cord, length 1.5 m. 

Coiled cable available also in 3 m, 5 m or 10 m – on special order.


A calibration certificate is proposed with the order. This Calibration Certificate is necessary for all applications, where measurements, controls and inspections are required by the relevant laws and regulations.

Calibration reference: Scientific Standard Lamp, type Wi 41 G corresponding to the Luxmeter calibration ISO standards.

• Digital devices of precision to measure illuminance in lux or footcandle.

• Wide measuring ranges - High resolution - Meets Standards DIN 5032-7 and CIE no. 69.

• Silicon photo diode, color corrected, i.e. its spectral responsitivity is matched to the spectral phototic vision of the human eye V (λ). The accuracy of that V (λ) matching is the main difference between the two MAVOLUX types C and B.

 • Cosine correction for oblique inciding light.

• Storage in memory of up to 100 values – interface USB 1.1.

• Selection of automatic or manual measurement range.

• Rugged instrument design, easy operation.

• Size: Basic module:  65 x 120 x 19 mm.  Sensor: 31 x 105 x 30 mm. Weight approx. 200g C.

Image Produit Ref. Unit price Buy
Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032
Digital luxmeter Mavolux 5032 C EQLUXN0002
Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032
Digital Luxmeter Mavolux 5032 B EQLUXN0001
Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032
Extensible cable 3m for luxmeter Mavolux 5032 B/C SUEQCB0004
Extensible cable 5m for luxmeter Mavolux 5032 B/C CABL0005AA
Luxmeter MAVOLUX 5032
Extensible Cable 10m for luxmeter Mavolux 5032 B/C SUEQCB0010
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Tax rate: 20,0%.
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