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pH-mètre Thermomètre compact
Compact pH-Temperature meter

Compact pH-Temperature meter

Flat tip probe designed for flat surfaces.

Tax excluded

Compact pH-Temperature meter

Direct pH measurement on paper, leather, or fabric is fast and accurate. The unit is provided with a flat tip glass probe designed to optimize surface contact with the sample. Compact and rugged, the unit can endure heavy duty handling while maintaining the accuracy of a laboratory device

pH measurement of papers and cartons is important, not only in the production phase, but also in the packaging phase. The food industry, for example, perform pH compatibility tests. Delivered with a carrying case, a pH electrode, pH 4 and pH 7 buffer solutions and batteries. Easy and fast calibration with 2 sets of memorized buffer values, possibility to a freeze a value on the screen.

Weight 210 g.

pH meter pH-T° Electrode

Combined pH-T°, electrode, glass structure, flat contact, DIN connector and 1m cable, PHME0000AB compatible, open junction, viscolene electrolyte, amplifier and temperature gauge. 1m Cable.

Applications:  leather, paper, emulsions.

Image Produit Ref. Unit price Buy
Compact pH-Temperature meter
Compact pH-Temperature meter EQHPHM9171
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Compact pH-Temperature meter
25 Buffer solution sachets pH4 SUPHSL0004
Compact pH-Temperature meter
25 Buffer solution sachets pH7 SUPHSL0007
Compact pH-Temperature meter
Lot de 5 x 2 sachets pH 4 et 7 EQHIBS0407
Lot de 5 x 2 sachets pH 7 et 10 EQHIBS0710
Compact pH-Temperature meter
Solution de stockage pour électrode (Flacon de 500 ml) EQHISS7030
Compact pH-Temperature meter
25 sachets solution tampon pH 10.01 SUPHSL0010
Total: 0,0
All prices with tax excluded.
Tax rate: 20,0%.
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